Lost blogs, missed updates

La gente ya no escribe.

My friends do not write anymore. Or at least, they do not write blogs anymore. I think, everyone stopped blogging around 2012. If I look closely, I did stop for a while just around that time. I am assuming it was because of Facebook being in an all time high, where being part (or purposefully not being part) of the Facebook community was the way to be read and seen. Now we got used to its language; we are conditioned to write open letters, long opinions, "tl;dr"s, and whatnot through that medium.
I kind of miss my friends' writing, although I never explicitly told them I read them. Because I didn't do it religiously (as most things in my life) nor my commitment to them was bound by time.
Because let's face it, it is 2 am and I am in the middle of assessment pains but I am writing about writing. How meta, how useless, how ineffective. But their windows to their lives and souls are a bit different here than on Facebook. Here I write because it is my notepad that I opened to my invisible readers, even if the only one who always shows up is my future self. On Facebook posts are meant to be seen, here there are just meant to be written. It is such a beautiful exercise to have them as custodians of my own past and my own mind. The same happens to my friends.
I could read their poetry, reflections and tribulations, it was thoughtful.
People are not writing their lives anymore, just for them. Now there's no time because we need too update our lives to be seen, read and liked.
But I know my friends must be writing somewhere... I wish I could get to them.


Entradas populares de este blog

2005. English

2004. English

Period pain